Rogue Angel Read online

Page 5

  Ana hurriedly wiped them away with her arm. “You’re not the only one who has made sacrifices, Appolion. My whole family is being slowly destroyed bit by bit and all in the name of the Order.”

  “Ana, please—”

  “You didn’t know how Cam was before they took him to Hell. He was a sweet kid who would give you the shirt off his back if you asked him. Now he’s so angry, hurt and mean and I can’t fix him or help him. I see the way all my other brothers look at him. Part of them still loves him and wants to protect him and another part doesn’t trust him anymore and expects him to turn full demon at any time. Those demons changed my brother forever and for what? Because they knew he was part of that stupid Order and they wanted to control him.”

  Crap, he could take anger any day, but give him freaking tears and he was at a loss of what to do. His own temper died down as he franticly thought of a way to calm her. “You guys got Cam back though and he’s doing just fine.”

  “Fine?” She gave him an incredulous look. “He has to drink angel’s blood and frolic with female demons on a regular bases or he gets unstable. How is that doing fine?”

  “I’ve seen worse.” As soon as the words slipped out of his mouth, he knew it was the wrong thing to say.

  Her light blue eyes flared. “He wishes the demons had destroyed him, in fact he still wishes they would come back and do it now. How can anything be worse than that?”

  He wanted to deny her words, but he had talked mentally with Cam enough times to know what she said was true. Appolion wasn’t about to admit that he often felt the same exact thing himself. Maybe he should just fess up to her so she would go away and leave him alone once and for all. If she knew there were countless times, while he had still been in Hell, he’d gone down on his knees and begged his father to end it once and for all, she wouldn’t think he was some great super angel. But she was off on a tangent and speaking so hysterically now he couldn’t have gotten a word in edgewise even if he’d wanted to.

  “Then I find out my mother was set up and all because she was a member of the original Order. Even though your parents had already rebelled with Satan, they still mentally destroyed her.”

  That one caught his attention, he grabbed her and made her look at him. “What original Order? What the hell are you talking about and why does it have anything to do with my parents?” Her expression of oh shit hit him.

  Ana gulped. “Cam and Rachael didn’t tell you about the original Order of Four?”

  “No, but since you seem to know everything about it, how about you spit it out.”

  “Look, I’m not the right one to be telling you this, maybe Michael or Abdiel—”

  “Ana,” he pulled her closer and tried hard to ignore her little gasp of pain. “I want you to tell me the truth right now.”

  “You, Cam, Abdiel and Rachael weren’t the first Order of Four. Before the fall of Lucifer, there was another group of angels. They were Michael, my mother and both your parents.”

  Appolion turned away as a cold brick of dread settled in his stomach. “I just want to know one thing. Who was the first Destroyer?”

  “Look, Appolion, maybe now isn’t the right time to have this conversation.”

  He pivoted toward her and she backed up a step. “You have hunted me down like a dog, Ana. Now that you have me, the least you can do is tell me the truth. Who was the first Destroyer?”

  She wrapped her arms around herself, her voice weak, “It was your father.”

  Chapter Five

  His dad had been the first Destroyer, the same title he now held. He was truly his father’s son. Appolion had known it deep down for all of his life and now the cold facts came up and bitch slapped him in the face. He remembered what he had told his brother Abdiel the last time he saw him, We are beyond damned, big brother. We are thoroughly fucked.

  That was right after Cam and Rachael destroyed his two oldest brothers, Douma and Forcas. Not that he shed a tear about losing those two. They were full- fledged demons and evil to the core. They both sold him to other demons for fun and games when he was still a child. As far as he was concerned, the bastards got what they deserved.

  But there was always a big part of him that worried he might someday become just like them and their father, his father. A demon with nothing but evil in its heart. Now Ana was telling him he had more in common with dear old Dad then he had ever thought possible.

  “I’m sorry, Appolion,” Ana said. “I didn’t mean for you to find out this way.”

  “Just go away and leave me alone.” He didn’t even look at her. “I’m not an angel. I’m just a demon waiting to turn.”

  She reached up and cupped his face with her hands. “Just what makes an angel, an angel? Do you want to know who set up Cam and my mother? Angels, that wanted to break up the Order because they didn’t want to share their power with it. I used to think all angels were good and all demons were bad and now my whole world has been turned upside down. But, in you, all I see is good.”

  “You’re the only one that has ever thought that.”

  “That’s because I am the only you ever let see you.”

  “I thought you said justice angels saw the evil that dwelt in others. Is that why you’re not one anymore? Because you only see the good in others.”

  Ana shook her head. “They got rid of me because I knew it was all lies. The head of the council, Jehel, was the one that betrayed my mother and then later set Cam up to be captured. I sat on the council for years and the whole time I thought it was a good thing and I was wrong all that time.”

  Appolion pulled her into his arms.

  She nuzzled into his chest and whispered, “I wish I never had to go back to Heaven again. I envy you and your freedom.”

  Freedom? Didn’t she realize how lonely he was all these years? Then he shook his head as he realized, no of course not. He hadn’t even realized how lonely he was until some stubborn female started hunting him down. “You don’t ever have to go back,” he murmured into her rich blonde hair. “You can stay with me for as long as you want.” What the hell was he saying? He wanted to get rid of her, not keep her. Right?

  His thoughts were cut short by the sounds of growling. Appolion looked over her head and saw three demons standing there, ready to attack. He hadn’t felt a freaking thing either, which didn’t make sense. The demons were foot soldiers, they weren’t capable of masking their psychic scent. That could only mean another more powerful demon was doing it for them. One that had sent them out after him, the human kill had been a trap and he fell right into it.

  Just as the demons were about ready to attack them, a gunshot rang out. The demons all let out a collective hiss and ran to attack the source. Following their direction, Appolion could see three angels walking down the center of the street, two were males and one was a female.

  “Ana!” the smaller male yelled out as he crouched in a defensive mode.

  One of the demons launched itself at the male who started fighting back with a set of small swords. The other two angels with him were engaged in their own scuffles as the other demons attacked, too.

  “Oh no, it’s Bear.”

  Appolion watched her eyes widen with panic.

  “I can’t let him see me this upset. I just can’t deal with any of my brothers right now, take me out of here.”

  He tilted his face toward the battle. “Shouldn’t we stay behind and help them?”

  She shook her head wildly. “It’s just three small demons, they can handle it on their own.” She took off his angel harness and slipped it in her pocket.

  Appolion looked down at his free arm. Emotions whirled through his head. If he had half a brain, he would flash himself far, far away from her. But he couldn’t do that. By taking off the harness, she demonstrated her trust in him and she was the only one that ever had. Moreover, he didn’t want to be away from her, ever. He wrapped his arms around her and flashed them back to his house.

  As soon as they got back, a br
ight light flashed inside his head. He tried to block it, but found for the first time ever that he couldn’t. Appolion rubbed the palm of his hand against his eyes until the pain finally subsided. “Which one of your brothers was that?” he finally managed to rasp out.

  “The youngest, Barakiel, why?”

  “You never told me that he had psychic abilities.” He blinked several times, trying to clear away the little birdies flying around his head.

  “That’s because his skills haven’t shown themselves yet. Cam, Michael and I have always suspected he was talented. What is you sudden interest in him anyway?”

  “He just gave me one doozey of a psychic headache is why. To say he’s pissed off at me for taking his big sister, would be an understatement.”

  “My Bear did that? But how? Not even Cam of Rachael can penetrate your metal shields and they’re the strongest psychics I know.”

  “Your little Bear has a bit of a temper.”

  “You’re wrong about him, Appolion.” Her cell started to ring so she grabbed it out of her pocket. “Bear is the sweetest one in our family, he doesn’t have an angry bone in his body.”

  “You could have fooled my head,” he muttered as she answered her phone.

  “Hey, Bear,” Ana said briskly into the phone. “Fancy hearing from you.”

  “Don’t play coy with me, Ana.”

  Thanks to his supersensitive hearing, Appolion was able to hear both ends of the conversation.

  “I saw you with that male and I know you saw me, too.”

  “That male just happens to be Rachael and Abdiel’s brother. You remember Rachael, she’s the one that you love and admire so much. The one that took care of you when you were so sick that time. As I recall, you told me she was like another big sister to you.”

  “So that justifies you making out with her brother right in the open?”

  Ana held the phone away from her face and looked at it shock. “What has gotten into you, Bear? You have never talked to me this way before.”

  “Yeah, well you’ve never ran off or acted like you have lately.” His voice became muffled. “Crap, Tiffany, that hurt. Just leave me alone a few moments. I don’t know, stare up at the sky and count clouds. That should keep you occupied for a couple of hours. Ouch, damn it, female, you’re supposed to heal wounds, not cause them.”

  “You’re injured?” Ana’s voice instantly filled with concern.

  “Yeah, I got hurt fighting your demons. You’re welcome, by the way.”

  Her eyes flashed with anger. “You know what, you smart mouthed little snot, I hope your wound hurts like a mother scratcher.”

  “See, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. The Ana I’ve always know would be worried about me, not shacking up with some rogue angel. What is going on with you?”

  “Maybe I’m sick of being the only Lehor that plays by the rules. Personally, I think it’s time you grew up and started taking care of yourself.” She flipped her phone shut with a determined look. When it started ringing again within seconds, she tossed it across the room.

  Appolion could not help but smile at her actions. “How many brothers do you have?”

  “I have eight, very annoying, pain in the asses, little brothers. Ramiel is the oldest, then there is, Nathaniel, Mael, our twins Case and Joe, Derel, Cam and finally Barakiel. Didn’t Cam tell you all about them?”

  “No, really doesn’t talk about his family much.” When he saw the hurt look on her face, he hastened to add, “Except you and Bear, he talks about you two all the time.”

  “That’s because he knows we are the only ones that truly trust him anymore. None of my other brothers will even leave him in the same room alone with a female. I think that’s why he likes you so much. You don’t judge him like the others do.”

  “Yeah well, that’s because he doesn’t judge me.”

  She wrinkled her cute little button nose. “Don’t you ever find it strange you and Cam only talk psychically yet you are probably each other’s best friend?”

  “Not any stranger than the fact Rachael, Cam and I can blow things up by just lifting our hands.”

  “I need to take a shower,” Ana announced as though uncomfortable.

  “Sure thing, there’s already soap and shampoo in there.” But he was talking to empty air because she already took off. Appolion heard her moving around before the sound of running water made him grit his teeth. The thought of her being only feet from him, wet and naked, threatened to drive him crazy. He threw himself on his couch, switched the television on and turned the volume up loud.

  After what seemed like an hour she finally came out. She had helped herself to his Red Wings hockey jersey and a pair of his socks. A blanket was wrapped around her waist and she tripped over it several times on her way to the couch. Ana finally made it and sat down next to him. He shot a questioning look at the blanket.

  “You didn’t have any pants that would fit me,” she explained.

  “You didn’t think to bring your own clothes?”

  “Well, I could just always flash to Nathaniel or Ramiel’s house. I have clothes stored at both of their homes. Of course that’s out of the question now.” She pointed at the angel harness. “By the way, are you planning on taking this off anytime soon? I did take yours off.”

  “Now why would I want to do that? I have a sexy, half naked female angel at my mercy. There’s no way I want to risk having a gift like that flash away,” he joked even while asking himself just why he didn’t take it off.

  For the hundredth time that day, she shocked the socks off him. Ana scooted over to him and curled up against his chest. Her body fit into his perfectly. For a brief moment Appolion actually felt normal for the first time since he was nine.

  * * * *

  She let out a happy sigh as the heat of his body soaked into her body. For the moment, he hadn’t pushed her away and he hadn’t thrown her in the other room again. Ana snuggled her face deeper into his chest and listened to the sound of his heart thumping. He smelled so yummy, all masculine and spicy. A gal could get used to this. Now she knew why Gabi was constantly touching and rubbing against Abdiel.

  She knew her time with him was limited, too. Appolion hadn’t taken off her angel harness and that was most likely because he planned on flashing away from her as soon as he possibly could and he didn’t want her following. But she wasn’t going to think about that now. At this moment she had him and she was going to savor every second of it.

  Ana frowned inwardly as she wondered for the millionth time just why she’d taken off his angel harness. It’s because you’ve fallen hard for him and you aren’t thinking right. What are you going to do now, leave behind your brothers and job and run off with your rogue? She really had to stop thinking like that. Next she would be deluding herself into thinking she actually loved him.

  Her heart skipped a beat as soon as the L word danced through her brain. Could she possibly love Appolion? She had only been around him full time for one day, but already she could not imagine life without him.

  His hand was under the blanket and was making lazy circles on her bare hip. Ana didn’t dare move because she was afraid if she did he would stop and that was the last thing she wanted. After centuries of being alone and cold, she finally found a male that set her on fire.

  Okay maybe she was acting a little slutty, but she didn’t care. If anything, she just wanted him to move his hand to other places. Maybe she projected that thought to him or maybe she shifted her leg, but now his hand eased toward the inside of her thigh and slowly trailed up until his fingers skimmed close to her most intimate spot. “Appolion, please touch me,” she moaned. Shock had her heart skipping a beat.

  “I am touching you.”

  Pleased to notice he was just as breathless, she swallowed. “You know what I mean.” Ana buried her face in his chest so he wouldn’t notice her blush. That seemed to be all the invitation he needed. Appolion slipped his hand under her panties and slowly stroked her. She f
isted her hands in his shirt and gasped in surprise. Never did she imagine it would feel that way. He slipped a finger inside her and she choked out a sob.

  “You’re so tight,” he murmured. “I’m not hurting you, am I? What I mean is, do you like this?”

  “Yes, oh God, yes,” she panted when his fingers danced over her flesh.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t go all the way and risk marking you. I just want to play for while.”

  The problem was she did want him to mark her. She wanted all of him, not just glimpses of what might have been. Ana leaned up and lightly touched her lips to his throat. When he tensed for just a second, she remembered all the bite marks Cam often come home with. She had a pretty good guess about what happened to him in Hell and was going to do everything in her power to make him forget it, even if for just one night.

  His hand moved faster and her hips moved in time with him. Ana knew she was acting like some wanton sex crazed fiend and didn’t give a damn. An intense urgency built inside her and she knew he was the only one who could answer it. “What’s happening to me?” she almost yelled.

  “You’re coming for the first time and I’m loving every minute of it. You may go on someday and find the right male to mark you, but you’ll always remember that I’m the one that gave you your first orgasm.”

  Then she did have her first orgasm. Ana dimly heard herself screaming his name even as he continued to toy with her until every last bit of pleasure was wrenched from her body. When she was done, he didn’t pull away, instead he eased her back until she lay on the couch, his body pinning her down.

  Appolion gave her one long kiss before he sat up and threw the blanket to the side. He slowly trailed his tongue up her leg, going from her ankle to the inside of her thigh. Dear sweet God, she never knew a person’s legs could be an erogenous zone, but obviously they were. His mouth was still on the inside of her thigh, very close to her…he wasn’t going to do that was he? As if to answer, his teeth lightly nipped at her panties before he hooked his thumbs in the sides. He slid them off and, heaven help her, she even lifted her hips so it was easier for him to do so. He paused for a moment and looked up at her.